2.3 常量、枚举与转义字符

2.3.1 常量 Constant




  • 字符常量 'a'

  • 字符串常量 "a"

  • 枚举常量

2.3.2 枚举 Enumeration




enum bool { NO, YES };
2.3.1 enum-weekday.c
// 定义枚举类型
enum Weekday
    Monday,    // 0
    Tuesday,   // 1
    Wednesday, // 2
    Thursday,  // 3
    Friday,    // 4
    Saturday,  // 5
    Sunday     // 6

int main()
    // 声明枚举变量
    enum Weekday today;

    // 给枚举变量赋值
    today = Friday;
    printf("%d\n", Monday);
    // 使用枚举常量
    if (today == Wednesday)
        printf("It's Wednesday!\n");
        printf("It's Saturday.");
    return 0;
// Happy Coding. 2024-01-20 01:48 

2.3.3 转义字符 escape character


In English:

In C programming, an escape character is a special character sequence that starts with a backslash (\) and is used to represent characters or perform specific actions that are otherwise difficult or impossible to include directly in a string. Escape characters allow you to insert special characters, control characters, and other non-printable characters into your strings, as well as perform certain control operations within your program.

Common escape characters in C include:

  1. : Newline character. Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line, creating a line break.

  2. : Tab character. Inserts a horizontal tab position for aligning text.

  3. \: Backslash character. Used to insert a literal backslash.

  4. ': Single quote character. Used to insert a single quotation mark.

  5. ": Double quote character. Used to insert double quotation marks, often used in string literals.

  6. \0: Null character. Signifies the end of a C-style string.

  7. \a: Audible bell. Typically triggers a system or console bell sound.

  8. \b: Backspace. Moves the cursor to the previous position, often used for simulating a backspace.

  9. : Carriage return. Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line.

  10. \v: Vertical tab character. Creates a vertical tab position in some systems.

  11. \f: Form feed. Creates a form feed position in some systems.

  12. ?: Question mark character. Used to insert a question mark.

  13. \ooo: Octal escape character. Represents an ASCII character using its octal value.

  14. \xhh: Hexadecimal escape character. Represents an ASCII character using its hexadecimal value.

Escape characters make it easier to work with strings in C and facilitate the inclusion of special characters and formatting in your code.




  1. :换行字符。将光标移至下一行的开头,创建一个换行符。

  2. :制表符。插入一个水平制表位置,用于文本对齐。 Tab

  3. \:反斜杠字符。用于插入文字中的反斜杠。

  4. ':单引号字符。用于插入单引号。

  5. ":双引号字符。用于插入双引号,通常用于字符串字面值。

  6. \0:空字符。表示C风格字符串的结束。

  7. \a:响铃字符。通常会触发系统或控制台的响铃声。

  8. \b:退格字符。将光标移至前一个位置,通常用于模拟退格操作。

  9. :回车字符。将光标移至当前行的开头。

  10. \v:垂直制表符。在某些系统中创建垂直制表位置。

  11. \f:换页字符。在某些系统中创建换页位置。

  12. ?:问号字符。用于插入问号。

  13. \ooo:八进制转义字符。使用八进制值表示ASCII字符。

  14. \xhh:十六进制转义字符。使用十六进制值表示ASCII字符。


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